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ResourcePocket is a Java library that enables efficient caching of resources (downloaded, generated by FOP etc.).Resource can be cached on disk and in memory, with load algoritm that shifts resources between memory and disk. SQL DB can be used to enable hibernate procedures. It is distrubuted through SourceForge on LGPL licence.

Source package(s):

resourcepocket-0.1.tgz 0.1 Early beta release - covers only the most important features

Documentation package(s):

resourcepocket_uml.vpp 1.0 UML documentation in VisualParadigm version
resourcepocket_uml.pdf 1.0 UML documentation in PDF version (generated with VisualParadigm)
resourcepocket_uml.html/ 1.0 UML documentation in HTML version (generated with VisualParadigm)